Cultural Capital
Cultural Capital
What Ofsted say about Cultural Capital:
Cultural capital is “the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens”.
What Cultural Capital Means to us:
At St John’s CE Primary School we place a large focus on ‘personal development’ and how children are to learn skills, realise talents, develop character and resilience, and learn about British Values, diversity and mental health and well-being.
Cultural capital is woven through all aspects of our curriculum – exposing children to a large variety of subject areas and arts; promoting character-building qualities that lead to creating well-rounded, global citizens and of course the more typical expectations of education, which are to provide young people with recognised and meaningful qualifications that will open doors to paths in later life.
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge, and competence. Pupils will draw upon experiences/ knowledge to help them to become successful in society, their future career and within the wider world.
Cultural capital focuses on the development of the ‘whole child’ through the use of a rich and broad curriculum. A great curriculum builds cultural capital.
Click on the icons below to see what your child will be experiencing in each class and throughout their time with us at St John’s CE Primary School!