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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

EYFS Quality Award

In EYFS, we have worked very hard to achieve:

‘The Lancashire Quality Award in Communication and Language’.


This is an extremely important award as talking, understanding language, listening and attending when others talk, and developing a wide range of vocabulary from an early age is crucial in the development of children. It helps with their ability to understand, use their imagination and develop their social skills, as well as being something they enjoy as they make relationships.


The award is embedded within everyday routines and children’s learning through play supporting all staff to be confident in their subject knowledge and therefore better at recognising learning opportunities in children’s play.


St John's have also been asked to be used as a high quality setting example of communication and language in EYFS and the awarding body will be using photos of our classroom, outdoor area and activities within their training materials.


We are very proud of this award and our EYFS setting.

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