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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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School Logo

Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

Pupil Voice

Pupils in school have many opportunities to contribute their thoughts and ideas to what is happening at St John's. 


School Council

Our School Council this year are:

Kestrel Class - September 2023 - TBC 

Kingfisher Class- September 2023 - TBC 

Falcon Class - September 2023 - TBC 

Owl Class - September 2023 - TBC 


Their role is to gather the views and opinions of their class and then feed this back to school staff. They meet regularly with Mrs England to discuss school life.

Sport Council

Each class teacher nominated two children from their class to become part of the Sport Council. These children meet with Mrs England to speak on behalf of their classes on any topics surrounding sport and PE in school. So far they have suggested after-school clubs, improving healthier lunches, organising a sports week and taking part in more competitions. Their ideas feed into what happens with PE and sport in our school.

Our Wellbeing Warriors

Our Wellbeing Warriors are Isla and Habeeb.  

They are currently working to set up their priorities for the rest of the year and are enthusiastic about helping and supporting the other children in school in terms of health and wellbeing. They were selected for their continuous excellent efforts and achievements in PE and sports when in school.


So far this year, they have organised competitions across the whole school, visited and chatted to the different classes, led some worships and taken ownership of a board in the hall with an aim to improving knowledge and understanding of healthy eating and healthy minds.

National Younger Leadership Group with the Church of England

In our school, Kiran, Lewis, Isla, Zeeshan, Autumn and Zak are part of a group that are taking part in sessions throughout the year to develop young leadership skills.

This was an amazing project run through 2022-2023 the children were able to give their views about how life is for them now and how they can change the world for a better place. 


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