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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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School Logo

Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School


Welcome to Falcon Class! 

Our teacher is Mrs Mills and our teaching assistants are Mrs Cross and Mrs Farrow. 


Please note that Mrs K Smith will be teaching in Falcon Class on a Monday and Tuesday for the final part of the year.  




Welcome to the Summer Term 2024.  

Please see below for information about our learning this next half term.   As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about your child's learning.  


Falcon Class Curriculum Overview Summer 2 2024

Falcon Class Timetable for Summer 2 2024

Falcon Class Homework - Summer 2 - 2024

Take a look at some of our fantastic homework from last half term:

Please note that PE days are Monday and Wednesday - with swimming on a Wednesday for Year 5 children.

Any questions - please do not hesitate to ask!

Falcon Class Homework - Spring 2

This half term I would like you to choose an activity from the table to complete at home. You need to complete one activity per week in any order. Please bring in homework every Friday. Use red homework books and write the date each week. 

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask.  




Please note the PE changes for this half term:


PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays (Year 5 swimming on a Wednesday)  - please come in your PE kits. 

This should consist of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps or trainers. It would be a good idea to bring tracksuit bottoms too! 

 Long hair should be tied back and earrings must be taken out. 




Learn Spellings for Friday.

Learn times tables for Friday.

Homework will be given at the start of every half term and must be returned each Friday.


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 

Year 4 children MUST practice their multiplication tables regularly at home to be prepared for the official check in June. They will have 25 questions and 5 seconds per question.

Here are some links to use at home.

Multiplication Tables Check

TT Rockstars

Hit the Button


Times Tables are a must...please use Times Tables Rock Stars to help you get even better with your times tables.  If you are unsure of your log-in, please ask Mrs Mills.




Look at some of the amazing homework from the Autumn term.....

                           BUG CLUB!!!!


Remember to use Bug Club! It's lots of fun and really helps your reading and comprehension too!




Don't forget, if you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask.

I am happy to help! I can be emailed at 

Thank you!

Mrs Mills :)

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