Welcome to Falcon Class!
Our teacher is Mrs Mills and our teaching assistants are Mrs Cross and Mrs Farrow.
Welcome to the Spring Term 2025!
A very happy new year to all of the children in Falcon Class and their families. We have lots of exciting learning coming up in the Spring Term - please do keep checking back for regular updates about your child's learning.
Please help your child to progress as much as they possible can by supporting them with their reading. We ask that all children read four times per week and that their reading record is signed by an adult to reflect this.
We will be doing lots of reading in school. Our current class book is The Creakers by Tom Fletcher.
Please note that PE days have changed this half term.
Falcon Class PE days are now Wednesdays and Fridays.
The children will have a PE session with Mrs England on a Wednesday (except for the children who currently go swimming) and a PE lesson with Mrs Mills on Friday.
Children are invited to come to school in their school PE kit on these days.
Thank you for your cooperation with this. Any questions - please just ask!
To ensure that homework is meaningful and manageable for all of our families at St John's, we would like the main focus to be on reading. As above, please support your child by encouraging them to read just a few pages of their home reading book four times per week. Please ensure that their reading record is signed by an adult to reflect the reading that is being done at home.
We also encourage children to learn their weekly spellings at home too - please ensure that your child's spelling sheet is completed and returned to school on a Friday.
Finally, given the importance of times tables, please encourage your child to visit and play on TTRockstars at least three times per week. This will really help their progress with times tables and wider maths. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any difficulties logging in.
Optional Homework
For those children/families who do feel that they would like to do something more, please find below details of optional homework for this half term. This can be completed and brought to school at any point before February half term
Optional Homework for the Spring Term
Create a collaged piece of artwork in the style of Jason Mecier. This could be using recycled materials, food, paper, or anything else you feel inspired by!
See Jason Mecier's website for examples of his work.
Falcon Class Yearly Overview 2024-2025
Spring 1 Timetable
Autumn 2 Falcon Class Timetable
Autumn 2 Half-termly overview - what we will be learning this half term
Autumn 1 Termly Overview - what we will be doing this half term
Our timetable for this half term
Times Tables are a must...please use Times Tables Rock Stars to help you get even better with your times tables. If you are unsure of your log-in, please ask Mrs Mills.
Some useful links for you...
Remember to use Bug Club! It's lots of fun and really helps your reading and comprehension too!
Don't forget, if you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask.
I am happy to help! I can be emailed at z.mills@st-johns-greatharwood.lancs.sch.uk
Thank you!
Mrs Mills :)