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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School


Great Harwood St John's CE MFL Intent


At St John's, we teach French as our modern foreign language. It is our intent that learners of all abilities access interactive and engaging French lessons through a structured program called Rigolo, which equips them with age appropriate vocabulary and phrases. Delivered in bitesize way, Rigolo allows regular revisit and retrieval opportunities, helping the children with their successful acquisition of the language. In addition, acquiring a new language provides an opening to learning about other cultures and deepening their understanding of the world. We strive to equip our children with the foundations of a new language which can be built on in their future educational journey or should they choose to study and work in other countries.

St John's MFL Journey

Christmas French Song

Still image for this video
We learnt Silent Night in French and the children were amazing at learning and performing a song in a different language.



Here are some super website links which have some catchy French songs, phrases or activities that you can learn at home.


Remember to practice your French numbers, days of the week and months of the year as well some popular phrases that you might use in conversation. 


Enjoy exploring the links below! 



The French Experiment - contains short animated stories and lessons.


Primary French games - quiz yourself!


French game 'Potato Head.' 


French numbers 1-100 song 


French Days of the week 


French Months of the year


French classroom commands


This is an amazing website where you can learn French for free by using the website or by downloading the app. If you collect enough points you can unlock some French stories too. Have a go, challenge yourself!


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