School Logo

Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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School Logo

Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School



Owl class activity




Our class teacher is Mr. Lancaster.
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs. York.

The Spring term! Welcome back. We will be working hard and looking at Goodnight Mr Tom as our novel. We will be covering Forces in science. I have lots of exciting things planned for you this year.


On this page you will find all of the relevant information including class timetable and the half termly overview as well as lots of additional school information and games/work to keep you busy!


Please click on the picture and it will take you to your login page.

Curriculum Plan 24-25



PE will be on Monday and Wednesday  this half term. We will be focusing on Orienteering and Swimming (Wednesdays). We will also be at forest school on Monday. Please wear appropriate clothes and footwear. 

Children should come dressed in PE kits on Monday.






Homework will be given out at the beginning of the half term and is due in weekly on a Wednesday. We are trying to set homework which engages the children and isn't too onerous.  



Don't forget that Maths targets can be practised here

Extra Home Learning



Maths Additional Work:


Spelling/Punctuation/Grammar Extra Work:


Reading Extra Work:



Revision Websites:

Top Marks

BBC BiteSize

Visit Our School
