Please click on each of the documents below to read our school policies. If you require a paper copy of any of our school policies please contact the school office.
- Accessibility Plan.pdf
- Admission Policy 2024.pdf
- Admissions Policy 2023.pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policy .pdf
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy 2024.pdf
- Complaints Policy 2023.pdf
- Curriculum Policy .pdf
- Educational Visits Policy.zip
- Equalities statement 22.pdf
- EYFS Policy .pdf
- GHST Attendance Policy 2024.pdf
- Grievance Procedure - Support Staff .pdf
- Grievance Procedure - Teaching Staff.pdf
- Home-School Agreement.pdf
- Homework Policy .pdf
- Internal Financial Regulations .pdf
- Lettings .pdf
- Marking Policy .pdf
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy .pdf
- Online Safety Policy 2023.pdf
- Prevent Policy 2022.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Pupils .pdf
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf
- SEND Policy .pdf
- Separated Parent Policy.pdf
- Single Equality Policy 22.23.pdf
- Smoke and Vape Free Policy .pdf
- Social Networking Sites and Social Media Policy .pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy .pdf
- Worship Policy.pdf