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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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School Logo

Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School


Hello and welcome to Kingfisher Class!




Our Teachers are Mrs England (Mon/Tue) and Mrs Smith (Wed-Friday) our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Hales.  



If you would like to know more about what we will be learning, please see our Timetable and Curriculum Overview below for this Half Term. 

Kingfisher Class Timetable Spring Term 1

Kingfisher Class Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Kingfisher Optional Homework Spring 1


If you have any questions, then don't hesitate to ask. We will be around after school most evenings or can be emailed on and


Thank you 

Mrs England & Mrs Smith 


Please click on the picture to take you to your login page.



PE will be on   Monday.

PE kits need to worn to school on this day.

This should consist of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps.  All earrings must be taken out! 


Forest School will be on Tuesday.  Please make sure children have suitable clothing and footwear on this day. 



Spellings will be sent out on a Monday, the test will be every Friday.


Learn Times tables for Friday.


Homework is optional, there will be one task set that will link to the learning the children are doing in class.


Reading must be done x4 a week.  A record is kept in school, if your child has not read x4 a week they may miss minutes off their play time to catch up on their reading.  Please make sure you sign their reading book if you have listened to them read.


Mrs England & Mrs Smith 



Be on the links below to help you with your lessons.


Purple Mash


Oxford Owl






Conker Maths

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