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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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School Logo

Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School


Governor Statutory Information and Attendance at Meetings


About our Governors 


Just like every school, we have a group of volunteers who form our Governing Body. We have several kinds of governors determined by how they are elected to their role.


Foundation Governors are appointed by the Parish and Diocese, we have one vacancy for these positions - please see Reverend Birch if you would like to apply, alternatively ask Miss Parker about it. 


Parent Governors are elected by our parents.


Staff Governors, (this includes the Head and a teacher), are either elected, or in the case of the Head, given a place due to their post.


Local Authority Governors are nominated by, in our case, Lancashire County Council.


Governors meet 4 times each term to discuss matters affecting the school.  They meet as both small committees, which oversee the buildings, finance, staffing and curriculum and as a full body.


Currently, our Governing Body is made up of the following people:


Foundation Governors

Mrs Julie Molineux (Chair) 

Mr Mohammed Shazad

Mrs Louise Howorth

Mrs Charleigh Dunn 

Mrs Polly Russell



Parent Governors

Mr Farqan Amin

Mr Christopher Wakeman


Church Governor 

Graham Birch 


Local Authority Governor

Mr Ian Holden 


Staff Governors

Miss Tracey Parker

Miss Debbie Newton



Mrs Zoe Mills 

Mrs Katie Smith 


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