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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

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Great Harwood St John's

CE Primary School

Physical Education

Great Harwood St John's CE PE Intent


Our vision for PE is for our children to leave us feeling and being well-prepared and skilled to participate in, enjoy and succeed at lots of different sports, clubs and competitions at secondary school and throughout their years beyond school.

Fundamental movement skills are taught discretely in Early Years and throughout Key Stage One and then continue to be taught through a wide range of sports and games in Key Stage Two in order to give our children the tools that they will need to be successful in different sports.

Our curriculum is sequenced so that children in Early Years are ready for Key Stage One, children in Key Stage One are ready for Key Stage Two and children in Key Stage Two are prepared for Key Stage Three through the skills they are taught.

We are passionate about providing opportunities for all of our children to develop resilience, to be ambitious and to have aspirations linked to PE and school sport.

We have a curriculum which we believe is ambitious for all children, inclusive of and making any necessary adjustments to those who are disadvantaged and who have SEND.

We teach children about leading a healthy lifestyle and encourage them to develop pride and enjoyment in their personal and team achievements as well as cultivating a mindset where children will want to strive to improve and challenge themselves whilst being supportive to others.


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